The majority of the responses in this topic are insane. You'd step to a machine and 99% of the time, have to fight someone using him. Midway used to beta test their games at Bird Bowl down in Miami. It's like Midway didn't playtest the game. Stupid fucking grenades, and that goddamn net. Eventually, they limited the damage to like one or two juggles.Ĭyrax - Prior to fixing him, he was probably the ultimate in cheese. One bullrush after another and juggled to death. On the bounded stages, someone would get you in the corner and once you were in the air, you were dead.

You could totally range mofos to death in those games, even without using redizzies.Įyedol - HA! Forgot about him, huh? I think when people first found a way to unlock him, his juggle was broken. Nothing better than talking shit to your student as you embarass his button-mashing ass and call him on in.īison/Guile - Hell.the redizzies were just a nightmare. So I step up for my next fight and grab Mitsu and beat his monkey ass from pillar to post, trash-talking the whole way. He punished everyone else who played him, and it was just a total mashfest. The first time I played SC2, I picked Astaroth against one of my students using Raphael, and he demolished me like I was Glass Joe. His speed was just too quick for any of the big guys. Raphael - *shudder* Not impossible by any means, but he was a fucking button-masher's fantasy in that game. As mentioned, just play a couple of fights against him, and you'll memorize his chains easily.